Monday, September 30, 2019

Super Size Me

The movie starred and was directed by independent filmmaker Morgan Spurlock[1].   Spurlock undertakes to explain the rampant obesity in America as a function largely of overdependence on convenience food and dining in quick-service restaurant chains. Spurlock strove to make his point by undertaking to consume only McDonald’s products for a whole month.   His stated goal was to investigate the impact of fast food, of which McDonald’s is the archetype, on the epidemic of obesity (and associated diseases such as hypertension and diabetes) plaguing America. Prior to starting the experiment, Spurlock was physically fit but in the end, he had gained considerable weight and was showing early signs of health problems.   The film presented its thesis in stark fashion: eat excessive fast food, get sick. â€Å"Super Size Me† employs the documentary format that â€Å"The Blair Witch Project† and â€Å"March of the Penguins† made famous. Basically, a camera followed Spurlock around wherever he went, chronicling his activities and feelings every so often. The film followed a chronological format that showed Spurlock’s descent from fit and bright-eyed to miserable and overweight. Also included were interviews with nutritionists, doctors and other people who helped shed light on the question; â€Å"Why is America obese?† The device of eating nothing but fast food may seem unrealistic.   Or perhaps not; how many of us would rationally avoid convenience foods if there was no one to cook breakfast or dinner?   Do parents know what children eat all day long when they are away at college? Spoofing the fast food habit this way does serve to compress the timeframe, create shock value and teach by entertaining.   One doubts that the audience would be as attentive if a physician had delivered a lecture on video about the ill effects of eating fast food for 20 or 30 years. Spurlock essentially consumed over 5,000 calories per day of nothing but obviously fattening McDonald’s staples: Big Mac’s, French fries and soda. In his defense, Spurlock[2] said he was mimicking the diet of a â€Å"super-heavy user†, Marketing lingo for an avid patron. At the same time, Spurlock satirized the slothful habits of many Americans who do not care to exercise. Even if they did not consume McDonald’s foods in the amounts he did, it is unlikely that they eat a balanced, nutrition-dense diet anyway. Despite the criticism level against it, â€Å"Super Size Me† remains shocking and relevant. Millions of Americans are undoubtedly ‘addicted’ to a diet of fast food that contains unhealthy levels of sugar and cholesterol. As shown by Spurlock’s own transformation, such relaxed eating compounds the problem by lowering the desire to exercise and be active. Naturally, the most shocking scene in the movie is when a complete physical examination reveals the extent of his physical deterioration. The domino effect does not stop there. Obesity and lack of activity causes numerous health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Already, a largely overweight generation of â€Å"baby boomers† has begun to overwhelm the health care system. For a nation built on the industry and creativity of its people this truly bodes ill. [1] Super Size me Directed by Morgan Spurlock Spurlock, in audio commentary track [2] Spurlock, in the movie, and again on the DVD commentary track

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethic Groups and Discrimination – Scottish-Americans

Running head: ETHNIC GROUPS AND DISCRIMINATION – SCOTTISH Ethnic Groups and Discrimination – Scottish Americans Axia College Ethnic Groups and Discrimination – Scottish Americans People from Scotland first came to the new world in the 1600s. There is some evidence of Scots coming to what is now considered America with the Vikings as slaves. This would be one of the first occurrences of mistreatment they endured (Gormley, 2000). Like other ethnic groups who migrated to the United States looking for a better life they were burdened with stereotypes and misconceptions about what kind of people they were. Over the course of their history people of Scottish decent have been a major force in the building of our country. They were instrumental in the creation and establishment of our current way of accounting, not just our country. History In America the Scots were stereotyped by the English, Dutch and Germans who also immigrated to this country. These groups stereotyped the Scots as uncivilized, not orderly and not interested in working hard to improve themselves. They were viewed as excellent fighters and were used in the western frontier as a first line of defense against Indian attacks. It did not take long for the Scots to squash the undeserved images of them by the colonists. Two Scotsmen names are on the Declaration of Independence and have been some of the most influential political figures in the history of America (Akins, 2010). The features and characteristics of the Scots would continue in the following centuries to come. After the revolutionary war period Scots would continue coming to America. Many of these immigrants possessed a higher than average education level when compared to other immigrants of the same period. Scotsmen were merchants, professionals, educators, doctors, and clergy (Landsman, 2006). With the exception of the latter, it can be presumed that this group, the Scots, was probably the faction doing the discrimination and stereo-typing now. It stands to reason because of their social status and place in society they may have looked down on other ethnic groups. Something that has happened throughout history in America and in other supposed civilized societies. At the same time, the Scots who mixed in with the Irish immigrants and were known as Scot-Irish did not always fair as well as those with an education. These persons scattered out across the mountain country of Appalachian Mountains and the western states. They were considered lazy and dirty, similar to those who came over originally. They toiled at menial jobs and lived in squalor in the mining communities. Like other ethnic groups, they were grouped together and were excluded from bettering themselves. This appears to be because of one’s education level and not as much emphasis on ones ethnic background. Especially since the Scots who had an education and/or profession had little trouble assimilating to American life. While the one’s without the above credentials had to work harder to be accepted by the ruling groups. One has to wonder since there were people of the group who â€Å"made it†; it was beneficial to those who needed the help. â€Å"One thing that particularly distinguished Scots and Scots-Irish immigration from that of most ethnic groups was their relatively easy adjustment into American society as white, English-speaking Protestants from the United Kingdom† (Landsman, 2006, p. 199) This gave them a step-up when it came to assimilation into the new country. This was an advantage that many other ethnic groups did not enjoy or experience. It is probably this and their solid work ethic that allowed them to go has far as they have. Presently, the members of this group are the ones complaining of reverse discrimination and other inequalities. It is interesting how the Scots have came around full-circle in America from the times of the Vikings, when they were enslaved to being pioneers of the country and ending with a type of institutional discrimination placed upon them and other light-skinned individuals for the advancement of the ones they held back. Conclusion I would like to think that I posses the best traits of the Scots; strong work ethic, strong sense of family responsibility and a high regard for education. When that is mixed with a sturdy patriotic belief in ones country it can only be a formula for success. Even the symbol of America, Uncle Sam was based on a Scottish-born businessman from NY (Scot-Amer, n. d. ). References Akins, S. (2010). Scots emigration/immigration to the US. Retrieved January 29, 2010, from http://www. siliconglen. com/Scotland/11_24. html Gormley, M. V. (2000). Migration patterns of our scottish ancestors. American Genealogy Magazine, 4(1). Retrieved from http://www. genealogymagazine. com/scots. html Landsman, N. (2006). Immigration and immigrants: scots and scots-irish. In P. Finkelman (Ed. ), Encyclopedia of the new american nation. Retrieved January 29, 2010, from Gale Virtual Reference Library  via  Gale:   http://find. galegroup. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/gps/start. do? prodId=IPS&userGroupName=uphoenix Scottish Americans. (n. d. ). Retrieved January 28, 2010, from Wiki Project – Ethnic Groups: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Scottish_American

Saturday, September 28, 2019


The problem This paper discusses the legal and ethical implications in conjunction with performing surgery on disabled people for social reasons. Ethical Katie is immaturity and she has the right like other non-disabled girls to live with her body in tact and she has the same choice to give birth to her own baby. According to the Family Court in Australia and Family Law Act 1975, no person under 18 should have hysterectomy unless the procedures are necessary to prevent serious physical and psychological damage and to save life (Skene, 2008, p. 38). Medical This surgery is not medically necessary and it is irreversible, persistent, traumatic and painful that it results in the permanent loss of reproductive capacity. The medical complications after surgery will affect the person health. Social There are lacks of access to health services and recourses, social and educational support for her and her family. Katie is lack of the basic human rights, freedoms to work, freedoms to get educa tion and move freely about society. Legal The parents could not consent and the doctor does not have the right to remove the womb of Katie as non-therapeutic surgery requires court approval. This is not just a medical decision for the doctor, but the child’s best interest and the consequences of wrong decision being made. The facts It is estimated in Australia that a child is born with cerebral palsy every 15 hours. There is no pre-birth test and no known cure for cerebral palsy (Levitt, 2010, p. 33). Cerebral palsy is a permanent physical condition that affects movement. It effects can be just a weakness from one hand ranging to almost complete lack of movement (Miller & Browne, 2005, p. 51). People with cerebral palsy may have seizures and other impairments that affect their speech, vision, hearing or intellect. Spastic, Dyskinetic and Ataxic are the three main types of cerebral palsy. A cerebral palsy result from the neurological damage to the child’s developing brain (Miller et al. , 2005, p. 51). There is greater risk in babies born with low birth weight and preterm. Cerebral palsy can be diagnosed through test reflexes, check for hand preference, CT scan, MRI and Ultrasonography. The treatment are physical therapy which consists exercise to keep limbs from weakening, speech therapy can help regain lost control over facial and throat muscles and gaining the ability to communicate effectively, medication help prevent certain effects of cerebral palsy such as seizures and surgery which is performed to cut some of the nerves affected by spasms and minimize muscle contractions (Miller et al. , 2005, p. 52). Four principles Autonomy Autonomy is described as the right to self-determination, the ability to control what happens to us and how we behave (Staunton & Chiarella, 2003, p. 8). This is a significant ethical principle which allows respect for individuals thought, action and their personal space. Katie is believed to understand little of what is said to her but she has no sense of what is happened to her body. Although, she has the right to make her own decision but she could not give valid consent.. Non-maleficence The principle of ‘above all, do no harm ’ ( Pera & Tonder, 2005, p. 34). A strong principle in health care and it forms the basis of nurses’ duty of care. This procedure affects the welfare and health of Katie as it is seriously invasive her personal integrity and human dignity. Health care professionals should avoid emotional, spiritual, moral and physical harm to Katie’s dignity (Pera et al. , 2005, p. 34). Beneficence The principle of ‘above all, do good’ (Staunton & Chiarella, 2003, p. 29). It includes the principle of cost benefit analysis and paternalism. In health care, this principle range from determining the number and type of hospital beds in a given geographic area to the validation of research involving human subjects (Pera & Tonder, 2005, p. 4). In Katie case, she deserve better quality of life that she won’t suffer from menstrual pain, discomfort, mood swings, behavior changes and complication of adulthood. More information about women’s health nowadays and more alternatives options should be given to her parents so that Katie could receives the best and suitable treatment. Justice The p rinciple of justice is the unifying principle in health and nursing ethics. It comprises the justice as fairness and justice of an equal allocation of burdens and benefits (Staunton et al. , 2003, p. 30). Ethical conflicts This case raises fundamental ethical issue about the way the society treats disabled people and the respect for the human rights and reproductive rights of disabled people. There are a few ethical conflicts arise in Katie case. The conflicts are: is the operation in the best interest of the child, is there any risk of making decision wrongly and is it ethically allows having hysterectomy on disabled people below 18 and without their consent. Menstruation is always regarded negative for parents with disabled kids as it is uncomfortable, unclean and devastating. Therefore, most parents wanted hysterectomy on their disabled kids before their menstruation as they thought their disabled kids would not be able to cope and deal with menstruation. But, it is not known that whether hysterectomy is in the best interest of the child as no one could predicts about the future problems to be encountered with menstruation. This is not fair for the disabled people as they have the rights to experience changes of their body and have their body in tact through their life span (Fellowes, 2000). Sterilization is a serious invasion the person honor and self-respect as their womanhood is being stolen. In 1994, Brennan J, the Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia believed that mentally or physical disabled people should enjoy a full decent life, in condition which ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and participate in the community (Fellowes, 2000). There is a significant risk of making the wrong decision to what are the best interests of a child who cannot consent and the consequences of a wrong decision are grave as this procedure is irreversible and invasive. Cincinnati Adolescent Clinic had carried out an interviewed in 1983, 69 parents were interviewed regarding sterilization of their disabled daughters. Almost 80 percents parents had thought of sterilization and their common reason was to protect their daughters from pregnancy (Strahan, 1991). People with disabilities have the equal human rights as all members of the community (Disability Discrimination Act 1992). Katie has the rights to make her own decision and acknowledge what is happened to her body and health

Friday, September 27, 2019

Social work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social work - Assignment Example From the first chapter, I was able to understand why it is important to study human behavior theories. According to Robins et al, a theory is an idea that has to be backed by certain evidence or proof (3). Human behavior theories are therefore ideas or propositions which try to explain why humans behave the way they do. These theories are backed by evidence that have been observed and documented over the years (4). The reason why we study human behavior theories is to be able to understand human behavior. According to Robbins et al the human behavior is a complex phenomenon (7). This is basically people are different. When the behavior of people is studied and documented in the form of theories, it is possible to understand why a person behaves the way he or she does in the society.. Without the theories, analyzing, and understand how people behave is quite difficult. From the first chapter, I was also able to appreciate the concept of social construction of theories (13). The social construction of theories is basically concerned with the development of a constructed understanding of the world (14). In the social development of these human development theories, the meaning of these theories is not developed separately within the individual but rather in synchronization with other human beings (16). From the first chapter, I was able to appreciate the various aspects that are important in developing and understanding these human behavior theories. Various ideologies, scientifically developed theories as well as social work practices form the basis of understanding the human behavior. It is however worth noting that despite the importance of the social construction of the theories, it is greatly affected by determinism nod reductionism (19). Reductionism refers to the practice of reducing the human behavior all down to a single factor such as biological cognitive or behavioral

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Three technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Three technologies - Essay Example It creates a collective working environment by maintaining shared documents and information. The technology also enables group members to monitor project management functions including assignments, time management, problem solving, and documentation. Secondly, e-mail is the most simplified means of communication which can enhance group interaction irrespective of the geographical location. According to my opinion, e-mail is the best means to build up effective relations, teamwork, and leadership. People enjoy freedom of expression while using internet because it does not have any external constrains to limit the freedom of speech. Via e-mail members can create strong interpersonal relationship along with their knowledge sharing, private file sharing, and video sharing. Finally, I would suggest the technology of video conference as the effective means of conversational interaction. It is the advanced form of telecommunication groupware that can enable visual collaboration from different locations to facilitate a group project and decision making. Furthermore, it can provide a sense of face-to-face interaction and will have a positive impact on the group’s productivity, performance and total

I Am the Good Shepherd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

I Am the Good Shepherd - Essay Example In response Jesus passed judgment on the Pharisees and on the temple itself. Later Jesus and his disciples see a man who was blind from birth. When the disciples asked Jesus if it was the sins of this man or his parents that made this man blind, Jesus responded by saying that neither of this was the case and that this man was born blind so that God’s works might be displayed in him (Jn 9:3). Jesus then restores the sight of this man, thereby giving a sign that bears witness to his claim of being the light of the world. This sign pointed to something beyond itself to reveal who and what Jesus was and what he habitually did (Morris 1989). The Pharisees however condemn this act and state that this man was born in sin (Jn 9:34) which was in complete opposition to what Jesus had said that neither this man nor his parents sinned. They continued to question the man who was healed from his blindness about the manner in which Jesus healed him and tried to disprove that Jesus was sent f rom God. The Pharisees then threw out the blind man from the temple whom Christ had healed (Jn 9:34). Hearing about these discussions Jesus condemns the Pharisees and accused them of being spiritually blind – a condition that is far worse than being physically blind. In John 10 Jesus puts the events of John 9 into perspective by stating that He is the good shepherd who is willing to lay down his life for His sheep. Jesus calls himself as the good shepherd who operates with love and compassion to meet the needs of people and contrasts it with the Pharisees whom he identifies as the evil shepherds who have consistently worked to scatter the sheep of God by their rigid religious rules and regulations, preventing people from encountering the love of God. Jesus separates himself from religious teachers as he invites people to enter into a deep personal relationship with Him as the chief shepherd who takes care of their needs and lays down His life for their eternal salvation (Whit acre 1999) In John 10, Jesus portrays a scene from the village where shepherds take care of their sheep to illustrate the relationship He has with His children. The shepherd has a distinct voice and calls each sheep by its name, which the sheep are familiar with. On hearing this call the sheep can easily separate themselves from the rest of the flocks and follow their shepherd. The sheep respond only to the voice of their shepherd who typically walks ahead of the flock, guiding them to green pastures and protecting them from any possible danger. Jesus says that He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him (Jn 10:14). He also contrasts the good shepherd who promises a life of abundance with the thieves and robbers who are out to steal, kill and destroy the sheep (Jn 10:7). He goes on to contrast the good shepherd who will risk his life to protect his sheep with a hired man who would leave the sheep behind and run away when a wolf comes to attack because he does not care about them (Jn 1 0:12-13). In the Old Testament, leaders like Moses and David were often referred to as shepherds. Ps 77:20 records that â€Å"you led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron†. Again, in Ps 78:70-72 and Ez 34: 23 David is referred to as a shepherd who tended the people of Israel with integrity of heart and skillful hands. Ps 23 is one of the well known scriptures in the entire Bible which portrays the image of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Opera property management system an evaluation report Assignment

Opera property management system an evaluation report - Assignment Example In the past few years information technology has brought a number of changes to almost all the industries. However, it has a serious impact on the hospitality industry. In fact, a large number of people from hospitality industry now consider that the implementation of latest and modern IT tools is necessary not simply to maintain and run hospitality-related functions but also to set up a bridge with potential customers. In this scenario, these varying IT trends in hotel industry force all kinds of hospitality firms to effectively take advantage of any innovative technology that can offer their firm’s substantial excellence in forms of superior customer satisfaction and employee competence. Up till now a large number of researches and studies have been carried out by various researchers to find out the positive effects of IT tools and systems on the hospitality industry. For instance, carried out a research in order to determine the impact of information technology supported sy stems in Australia, which demonstrated that the implementation of information and management systems can play a significant role in increasing the capability of hospitality industries.... The selection of a property management system heavily depends on the nature and size of the hospitality firm. This paper presents a critical review of an information system that is particularly designed for managing and dealing with property related operations. In this paper I am going to review a modern property management system known as Opera Property Management System. This paper will discuss different aspects of Opera Property Management System. Property Management System Before going into the depth of this property management system there is need to understand the importance of using these IT systems in the hospitality industry. As Opera Property Management System focuses on Wi-Fi usage so we will also discuss the use of Wi-Fi technology in the hospitality industry. In their research, (Pandey, 2010) discuss the importance of information technology for the hospitality industry. According to their viewpoint from dealing with guests and customers and developing and presenting food menus to keeping track of their employees, IT tools and systems have not only completely changed but also restructured the way the hospitality firms carry out their tasks in this information technology based era. In fact, the hospitality sector for all time thrash about to find out more ground-breaking tools and applications with the passage of time as they make changes to the format of the hotel and restaurant business (Pandey, 2010). In addition, a large number of researches and studies have concluded that IT tools and applications have turned out to be a key driver of economical growth for the hospitality industry in the past few years. In this scenario, extensive availability of easy to use and state-of-the-art tools and software applications for

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Painting and architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Painting and architecture - Essay Example Baroque paintingBaroque painting is mainly related to the underlying Baroque cultural movement mainly identified with the underlying Absolutism, the renowned Counter-Reformation and corresponding Catholic Revival. It is mainly characterized by massive performance, rich, Deep color and deep light and dark shadows(Bohn &Saslow, 2013). Moreover, it depicts the moment prior to an event. Baroque painting style commenced within Rome, Italy and subsequently spread to other parts of Europe. Similarities and contrast between Baroque and Renaissance architectureBoth Baroque painting and Renaissance architecture style commenced in Italy then subsequently spread to other parts of Europe. Baroque and Renaissance arts are interrelated in regard to painting and architecture in that they both utilize distinctive classical forms, which are used in books, valuable objects and oil painting(Bohn &Saslow, 2013). Both of the arts balance the good proportion within the architecture and sculptures. Moreover , both baroque painting and corresponding Renaissance architecture are the main classical forms that were utilized within the Renaissance in attracting distinct attention on the clarity and corresponding realism.Conversely, Renaissance architecture mainly utilizes Classical art in which the Roman and corresponding Roman and Greek art whilst Baroque painting commence by breaking away from corresponding Classical art and utilizes numerous curves and flowery patterns.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Managing hypoglycemia in primary care as a practice nurse Essay

Managing hypoglycemia in primary care as a practice nurse - Essay Example Many patients opt to increase their food intake to an extent where hyperglycemia becomes inevitable. Others respond by being psychologically upset which in turn compromises their quality of lif e. Long-term consequences may include a less productive lifestyle coupled with feelings of anxiety and fear. Glucose acts as the primary fuel for the large variety of functions that nervous system performs. Despite the fact that glucose is vital for neuronal survival, the local storage of glucose within the substance of brain is limited; astrocytes contain glycogen which may produce glucose for a very limited period of time. For this reason, neuronal survival is mainly dependent upon a sustained supply of glucose through the blood brain barrier. Consequently, brain becomes one of the primary targets of hypoglycemia and suffers the first insult when blood glucose level starts to fall below a certain level (65 mg/dl). Irregular electrical activity at neuronal level may precipitate seizures when the level falls below 40mg/dl. Neuronal electrical activity ceases to exist when blood glucose level is below the 10mg/dl range (Ahrens et al, 2010). Since the control mechanism related to glycemia is affected in diabetes, it is common for diabetics to encounter hypoglycemic events due to reduced food intake, altered level of activity or overuse of glucose-lowering drugs. In severe cases, hypoglycemia may bring forth worst prognostic outcomes like coma or death. Due to the fact that different symptoms like hunger, irritability or anxiety are often attributed to hypoglycemia by health care workers without documenting actual hypoglycemia, the exact incidence of hypoglycemia cannot be determined with certainty. Among people presenting with symptoms suggestive of hypoglycemia, only 5-10% are actually hypoglycemic i.e. blood sugar levels below 50 mg/dL. Moreover, the incidence

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Graduation Speech Essay Example for Free

Graduation Speech Essay â€Å"The heights by great man reach and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept were toiling upwards through the night. †   (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  ) Members of the school board, principal and staff, distinguished guests in the audience and on the platform, parents, guardians, graduate, good afternoon. Our guest speaker for this afternoon is Mrs. Merlette Barrett-Fender. She was born in the parish of St. James. There, she attended the Salt Spring All Age School- later the Mt. Alvernia High School then went on to further her education at Shortwood Teachers’ College. She has worked at the Jamaica Telephone Company as an international operator. She later acquired a Bachelor’s Degree in Middle Grades Administration offered by Western Carolina University, at the Montego Bay site. Her zeal for leadership led her to access the Master of Science in Educational Leadership just two years later with the Jamaican Programme of Central Connecticut State University. She has worked at the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels of the education system, having the experience as class teacher, subject teacher of English Language and Literature at Cornwall College and as Principal. She presently holds the position of Academic Vice-Principal of Knox Community College. Mrs. Barrett-Fender posses a great love for her country and as a result has made the decision to remain in Jamaica. She takes great pleasure in working amongst Jamaica’s poorest, to help train and educate them and being the voice for some who are voiceless. As a member of the Upper St. James Consultative Committee, she conducts motivational talks to students and teachers. She is the lay preacher of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. She is dedicated to spreading the work of God for the upliftment of people. She possesses a vibrant personality, loves the outdoors, loves good company and enjoys helping others. Mrs. Barrett-Fender believes in having a sound character thus her everyday life is grounded in integrity. Her community involvement includes being a member of the Friends of the Hospital, the founder of Salt Spring All Age Past Students’ Association, past president and fund raising committee member, speaking at graduation exercises, Patron of the Knox Early Childhood Institute, motivational speaker, mentor and counselor. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls; please put your hands together as I introduce to some and present to the others Mrs. Barrett-Fender.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Financial Management Of The Tottenham Hotspur Plc Finance Essay

Financial Management Of The Tottenham Hotspur Plc Finance Essay Tottenham Hotspur is one of the famous Football clubs in England; the club had huge fan base reaching 20 million people worldwide and almost 2.1 million in UK, how ever the current stadium capacity is only 36,500 fans. The one Hotspur membership scheme the club created attracted over 70,000 fans. Since one of the revenues sources is attendance, the club starts thinking of expanding or building new stadium to increase the number of fans attending the games. The quality of the strikers are also critical, and usually clubs loses some of their players during the year, therefore need to replace them with better quality if possible and that costly too. The current Enterprise value of the club is 156 million, with Net Debt / EV of 0.12 and revenue of 75 million, in addition to that, the club Goals ( 1998-2007) was -1.9 (December 31, 2007)  [1]   Such situation ranks the club 6 among other clubs. Mr. Daniel the chairman is about to take a very important business decisions which will drive the success of the club in the coming 13 years. The chairman has to decide if the stadium development plans made sense, and how best to proceed in the player acquisition market as well  [2]   It goes without saying that any further investment should be justify by the return on investment, therefore the chairman should take in to consideration all the financial aspects such as revenue and cost. As one of the most a manager can make is the capital decision. This key decision requires spending now in order to acquire long-lived assets that will be source of cash flow in the future a successful capital investment program will contribute to the firms financial performance for many years.  [3]   Executive Summary: In this case analysis I will try to answer three important questions which can be considered as the base of above mentioned capital investment program Mr. Daniel can set for Tottenham Hotspur club for the coming years. Is Tottenham at the current stock price of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤ 13.80 fairly valued? And to answer such question financial evaluation using DCF should be conducted assuming that Tottenham continues in its current stadium. What will be the value of the chairman decision to build new stadium? And also a DCF should be conducted taking in to consideration the increase on Revenues and capital expenditure. What will be the value of the chairman decision to sign a new striker? Taking in to consideration the cost to be paid to the formal striker club and the running cost of the striker him self once he join Tottenham. Since the purpose of an investment is to get more back, over time, than you put in. One of the most common valuation criteria, which satisfy the above condition, is called NPV. Net Present Value (NPV) (NPV =Present Value of Cash Inflows Present Value of Cash Outflows Decision Rule:  [4]   If NPV>0, then accept the project If NPV=0, then indifference position, go no go situation If NPV Based on the above, and my deep analysis my findings and recommendations are as follows: Tottenham Hotspur current stock price is over valued, Their Enterprise value as a result of DCF is 107.14 Million à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤, therefore the Value per share is 9.73 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤,  [5]   Tottenham Hotspur Enterprise value of 107.14 Million à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤, confirm its rank as No.6 Just after Newcastle United and before Everton,  [6]   Investing à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤250 million in building new stadium is not visible or profitable , DCF based on incremental increase in revenue and operating cost due to Stadium resulted in negative NPV (-60.12)  [7]   Investing à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤20 Million as a cost of acquiring new striker in addition to his high running cost also is not visible or profitable. DCF based on incremental increase in Broadcast and others, and operating cost due to acquiring new striker resulted in negative NPV (-23.5)  [8]   All these questions and comprehensive analysis and recommendations will be included in the main report. The main report and questions Answers : Part one: At its current stock price of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤13.80, is Tottenham fairly valued? To answer this question we should conduct a company valuation, and calculate the Enterprise value (EV) of the company then divide the EV on the total Number of shares. In addition to the available data mentioned in both the balance sheet (Dec.2007) and income statement of Tottenham  [9]  and in order to be able to calculate the change in working capital, the following major assumption has been taken during the evaluation, In order to calculate the change in working capital i calculate it for the first year, then calculate it as % or revenue then I apply the % for the remaining years,  [10]  using this assumption enable me to calculate the Free cash flow and then discount that cash flow using the discounted factor 10.25, to reach Enterprise Value (NPV) of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤107.14 million out of that the Terminal Value and the PV were calculated. Since the company under long term debt of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤43.08 million and having à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤26.29 million as Cash and equivalent their Equity value is à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤90.35 million and accordingly their share value is à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤9.73.  [11]   It is clear that Tottenham share value is over valued and may be that because of commercial issues related to stock market. As a recommendation the management should start looking to find solutions where by the revenue can be increased with a strict control in operating Expenses, in order to increase the cash inflow versus the cash outflow. This will be reflected on their Annual net Income, and consequently on their share price. Part 2: One of the major resources of Tottenham Revenue is the attendance, and their current stadium capacity is limited to 36,500 fans only, however they have about 2.1 million fans in UK, in addition to that they launch an incentive program to their fans One Hotspur Membership scheme which attract over 70,000 fans.  [12]  That is why the club start thinking to build a new stadium which will cost à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤250 million to be paid in two equal installments over two years, such a decision need to be challenged in term of the return as revenue and Net profit , therefore New stadium DCF analysis was conducted to obtain the NPV of the project. The whole scenario was built on the following assumption: Since the cash out (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤250) will be paid to generate cash in as revenue, so I only took in to consideration the INCREMENTAL increase in revenue( Attendance and Sponsorship only) and the INCREMENTAL increase in operating Cost using the forecasted growth as mentioned in the case  [13]  due to the new stadium. The (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤250) million were considered as cost of constricting new stadium distributed equally, 2008 and 2009; the increase in capital expenditure was taken as it is forecasted in the case. Since the construction will take two years, the cash in as revenue will start by (2010)  [14]   The DCF result was not satisfactory, NPV is negative (-60.2)  [15]  . My recommendation to Mr. Daniel is not to go with this option based on the given cost of construction, how ever he can think of other solutions to increase the capacity of the stadium at lower cost and I can suggest one of two options The first one is do some expansion to the current stadium if possible to increase the capacity to almost 60,000 fans and definitely this could be at lower cost, The other suggestion is to go in partner ship with one of the small size clubs as to share the cost and benefit from the revenue. Part 3: Do the club has to acquire new striker at the acquiring cost of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤20 million and salary of 2.6 million in the first year to reach à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤6.13 million in ten years or not? And what will be the impact of the new striker on Tottenham revenue and net income?. It goes without saying that answering these questions will depend on the financial analysis of the cash inflow as revenue versus cash outflow as cost. DCF To go with such Analysis I also took major assumptions in addition to what already mentioned in the case, the assumptions are: To consider only the Incremental revenue generated from Broadcast and others.  [16]   The new striker will enhance the team rank and then earned a greater share of league television broadcast revenue. The each moves up in the standings worth an estimated à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤670,000  [17]  . So The club will move one rank up during 2008 season and another move every three seasons due to the strong completions Based on the above data and assumptions, the result of the DCF was not encouraging and the NPV negative (-23.5) therefore the club should not sign with the new striker at these conditions and instead I have the following suggestions: Knowing the importance of acquiring professional strikers Tottenham should negotiate better deal with the formal club of the striker and the striker him self. They can spend some of that money in developing their current strikers and enhancing their performance. An aggressive incentive scheme based on profit sharing could be established to motivate the existing team to enhance their Avg. Net Goals which is currently (-1.9)  [18]  . Because Investment tie up cash, their value is based on the amount of future cash flows that will accrue to investors  [19]  

Friday, September 20, 2019

Secure Corporate Network Infrastructure Development

Secure Corporate Network Infrastructure Development Pop Quiz! VPN stands for†¦ A.1 VPN stands for Virtual Private Network or Virtual Private Networking. A VPN is a private network in the sense that it carries controlled information, protected by various security mechanisms, between known parties. VPNs are only virtually private, however, because this data actually travels over shared public networks instead of fully dedicated private connections. Introduction I have a strong point of view that MCC has been fostering is dear students from all computing courses since its establishment. With the intention of uplifting the education standard in Computer Technology, MCC has collaborated with NCC of Greenwich College in London to set up the Joint Program of International Diploma in Computer Studies (IDCS). I have given my best effort and attention and I also obtained priceless knowledge and experience in developing and implementing the cost-effective VPN extranet infrastructure for National Bank for Rural Development. Overview The construction of the Rural National Development Bank brought great prosperity to an area where previously had tremendous hardship in making monetary transaction. Being in a rural area like this, we cant have hefty load of budgets invest in for the normal operation of the bank. The bank has currently been using Microsoft Windows operating system as client machines and also the network is window-based. The bank wants to create a corporate network infrastructure to connect their agents and branches securely. The bank preferred to use NOS for Ubuntu Linux for they will reduce the overall cost dramatically when compared to Microsoft Server Version. All of these multi-functioned organisations and personnel need to have a medium to communicate for the smooth flow of their work. As the new networking advisor for this project, I have thought out the plan to implement such medium on less costly basis. The aim of this project is to investigate the currently favourable means for building a secure corporate network infrastructure that consists of servers, extranet, preferred form of internet connection and clients. This report will contain recommended methods and a sample of a network security design with a clearly labeled diagram. Also, the source and references of information and excerpts in this report will be acknowledged and can be found at the end of this documentation. Prototype for the Extranet VPN for NBRD There are altogether 500 computers and 100 peripheral devices in the main office bank. There are tens of departments and hundreds of staff ranging from front-office to auditor. VPN actually is a private network for delivering of important data and facts within the organisation via the secure use of the public network like Internet or Wide Area Network. The internet source is coming from ISP which provides high-speed Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line. The main office is a very sophisticated infrastructure and the daily normal operation of the bank is very much dependant on four servers-VPN Server which is a must in all VPN configured network, Print Server, File Server and Database Server. The computers and peripheral devices are connected from the four servers via multi-purpose switch (to regenerate signals). The outlet of the main office building has router in place for connecting separate logical networks to form an internetwork. And then comes the Gateway to convert Microsoft Ma il to Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) for transmission over the Internet. Although routers work at the Network layer and can route packets of the same protocol (such as TCP/IP) over networks with dissimilar architectures (such as Ethernet to token ring), gateways can route packets over networks with different protocols. And then comes a firewall. A firewall is a hardware device or software program that inspects packets going into or out of a network or computer and then discards or forwards those packets based on a set of rules. The data then travels on the VPN tunnel by using IPSec Protocol. It is the most popular method for encrypting data as it travels through network media. IPSec works by establishing an association between two communicating devices. An association is formed by two devices authenticating their identities via a preshared key, Kerberos authentication, or digital certificates. Suburban branch has 300 computers and 50 peripheral devices and has varieties of de partments and large numbers of staff for its daily normal operation and performs the same task mentioned above. National Bank for Rural Development has 50 computers and 5 peripheral devices. It also has departments and staffs but it depends on VPN server for its normal operation. Business partners and agents are connected to the VPN via remote access. Brief biography of Ubuntu is an open source (can change the source computer code at your desire) operating system version is upgraded every six months desktop, server and ultimate editions are available Can be used wih wide ranges of computers and hardwares:-(Intel x86 (IBM-compatible PC), AMD64 (Hammer) and PowerPC (Apple iBook and Powerbook, G4 and G5) architectures) Supported by Canonical Ltd. is GNU/Linux (comprises of many programs and most essential one is ‘kernel which is linux in (GNU/Linux) and it combines with other GNU programs to boot up the system) and if an error occurs and the Kernel becomes corrupted, a different copy can then be used instead. debian-based Linux is the system descended from Unix GNU/Linux was put into existence by Free Software Foundation in 1984 is free-of-charge and totally aimed at programmers and developers The first Linux kernel was invented by Finland-national Computer Science student ‘Linus Torvalds Because of its alluring advantages such as being free of charge, compatible with many software programs, not easily hanged or freezed, multi-tasking, and more safer than other OS make Linux more popular among business partners and individual person hide the user from browsing the registry keys that have important information more effective in hindering the spread of viruses and executing of malicious programs and threats Ubuntu can be downloaded from this site: is compatible with ‘Intel and AMD and the compatibility with hardware parts can be checked in this site: (For laptops) The minimum requirements for Ubuntu 700 MHz x86 processor 384 MB of system memory (RAM) 8 GB of disk space Graphics card capable of 1024768 resolution Sound card A network or Internet connection CD/DVD Drive For visual effects and graphic 1.2 GHz x86 processor 512 MB of system memory (RAM) Supported graphics card Note: the above descriptions are only minimum requirements and better processor and system memory will certainly enhance the performance of Ubuntu. For downloading software for disk partition by using disk management of windows: Task 1- 50 Marks Your Bank currently has network client machines based on the Microsoft Windows Operating System. The Bank decides to evaluate the benefits of the open source Linux operating system, preferably the latest Ubuntu Linux distribution version 9.10 server edition (freely downloadable from Evaluate the benefit of Linux operating system as Interoperable and alternative NOS for the company in the form of a feasibility report to include the following: 1.1) The comparative Networking features of Windows and Linux. (10 Marks) Comparative Networking Features of Windows and Linux Windows Operating System Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) acts as a shield from unauthorized access to home networks and computers. It had come with the window installation package and it enables automatically in its default settings when the Network Setup Wizard is run and is compatible with most networks. ICF has manual switch on-off modes which can be done through the Network Connections folder. Wireless LAN provides Ethernet and Wireless Security with its improved standard IEEE 802.1X which has been developed with the combined effort of Microsoft, Wireless LAN dealers and PC dealers. Former version is highly inefficient in lacking security control with a key management system. The IEEE 802.1X is a port-based network access control and can be used with Windows XP via access points. Network Setup Wizard acts as a novice guideline in setting up the network can be utilised to configure the Internet Connection in networked computers, and also network adapters (NIC Card) can be used to enable Internet Connection Firewall (ICF), Network Bridge if appropriate, sharing resources such as files and printers and naming of computers. Network Diagnostics Features Diagnosing network features by using the following tools: The Network Diagnostics Web Page and NetSh helper Network Connections Support Tab Network Connection Repair Link Task Manager Networking Tab Updated Command Line Network Diagnostics Tool Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) A single internet connection from the source computer can be shared to all the other computers in a home or small office network. ICS is enabled in the source computer and gives out all the physical and IP addresses and translates these for all the networked computers in the organisation. Linux Operating System acts as a forbidder for all incoming connections but opens up for outgoing connections. When in ‘high mode, it allows for all outgoing connections and restricts to limited number of high ports for point-to-point applications. When switch to ‘medium mode, still permits outgoing connections, selected applications for incoming ports plus point-to-point application. When change to ‘none mode (â€Å"get out of my face†), it denies all incoming and outgoing connections. Only in the ‘laptop mode, the firewall does activate without giving any alert to an Interface (GUI). Protocols Linux supports IPv6 and SSH but Windows is not. 1.2) Interoperability features of Ubuntu with the existing Microsoft Windows Workstations. (10 Marks) Interoperability refers to the capability of the system ranging from hardware and OS to work in multi-platforms. Windows and Linux are both OS and of x386 architecture. Open Office in Linux which is similar to MS Office in Windows is java based application. All of us know java -based applications will work in any platform. can be used to open and save Microsoft Office formats, such as PowerPoint, Word and Excel documents. Ubuntu can share files with Windows with ease, and can connect with current e-mail servers even Microsoft Exchange. Ubuntu support plug-n-play hardware, wireless networking, printing and other graphical and multimedia software. Connecting from Linux to Windows With the use of network, we can control Windows computer from Linux: enable â€Å"remote administration† on the Windows host make sure you reach the computer from your Linux box ping windows_computer connect to the computer rdesktop windows_computer Connecting from Windows to Linux The following can be used to have control over Linux computer from a Windows box: Vnc Xdmcp NX X-Servers for Windows puTTy (command-line only) Exchanging files between Linux and Windows When having two hard disk partitions but running on one OS, in case want to access a Linux partition when running Windows and vice versa, the following can be done: When on a Linux host and want to access a Windows drive Winhost has been assumed as Windows computers hostname in this case (the hostname can be checked by right clicking on My Computer Icon and select Properties). Open the Explorer windows on Windows computer. Right-click on the folder and choose â€Å"Sharing and security† from the drop-down box. Name it â€Å"share1†. Then, on Linux computer, open the file explorer either Konqueror or Nautilus and type smb: //winhost/share1 in the address bar. All the files and folders can be seen in that share. With just double-click, you can open and view them. Want to share When on a Linux computer and want to make the folder accessible on Windows machines over the network, need to run SAMBA service on Linux computer. Right-click on a folder in favourite file explorer like Nautilus and choose â€Å"Sharing Options†. Click and name the share. Nautilus will require a password without prior enabling of the Windows folder sharing and after that install the service. It now requires you to log out and log in again. Windows computer should be available with the share. When on a Windows host and want to access a Linux drive WinSCP is used and SFTP protocol should be chosen. The login procedure and password are same as when log in locally. Firewall should be shut down and openssh service should be installed on Linux computer. Want to share a folder By using normal Windows sharing procedures can share files with Linux. By using samba, the Linux host can access these files. NTFS (New Technology File System) is the Microsoft Window default file system. It is readable as well with Linux and more than 2GB of files can be stored. 1.3) You need to install Ubuntu on a machine and configure network services for Windows and Linux mainly for file sharing and printing. Necessary screen shots have to be provided. Installation of Ubuntu Server Edition 9.10 During the ongoing installation process of Ubuntu Server Edition, LAMP which is a combination of Linux, Apache, and MySQL and PHP servers can be used instead. It is excluded from the Ubuntu Server Installation Package and can easily be used during the time of installation. The LAMP option does not require individual installation and integration separately of each of these components which can take prolonged period of time and need a help from an expert who is skilled in this particular installation. The overall cost can be greatly reduced due to the enhanced security performance, requiring lesser amount of time to install and any possibility of misconfiguration can be reduced. Flexible installation can be carried out with the Ubuntu Server Cloud computing server as varieties of servers like Mail Server, Open SSH Server, Samba File Server, Print Server, Tomcat Java Server, Virtual Machine Host, Manual Package selection, LAMP and DNS options work jointly with cloud computing node and P ostgreSQL Database options. These versions can be installed by Ubuntu LAMP server. Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) Apache 2.2.12 Mysql 5.1.37 PHP 5.2.10 Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) LAMP Server Installation is successfully completed and all applications installed will support apache, mysql and php. Ubuntu server 9.10 edition static ip address configuration The command [sudo apt-get install vim-full] can be used to install vim editor TCP/IP utilisation in a corporate or enterprise network needs the devices to be configured in detail, assigned addresses and the destined machines they were assigned need to be kept track of. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to make this process easier. Through Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Ubuntu installer has arranged our system to acquire its network settings. But we need to switch it to static IP address by editing setup: Edit/etc/network/interfaces and the detail data of your ip address needs to be entered. For instance, IP address is used in this case. The command [sudo vi/etc/network/interfaces] is entered and the file is saved and exit by using the procedure â€Å"In vi, ESC, and then ZZ to save and exit†. The chief network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway Now the command [sudo/tec/init.d/networking restart] is used to restart network services When DHCP is not in use, manual setting up of DNS servers in resolv.conf file is needed with command [sudo vi/etc/resolv.conf] In resolv.conf file the one similar to below should be added. search nameserver File Sharing configuration in Ubuntu server 9.10 edition Sharing File by using NFS which is the *nix systems default networking protocol inclusive of Ubuntu Linux. File sharing by using Samba protocol Samba File Sharing Samba client permits easy and smooth networking with Windows-based networks except firewall is in place at the ports. Ubuntu Jaunty comes originally installed with Samba client. Samba server When Samba server is not installed by default, the instructions below can be used to configure a Samba server. In this way, files can be shared seamlessly between windows Samba network computers to other Samba clients. Install Samba with the command [sudo apt-get install samba samba-tools system-config-samba] Samba-tools and system-config-samba are not compulsory Samba settings can be altered by:- Method 1 System>Administration>Advanced>Samba This method can only be performed only if system-config-samba is installed Method 2 Needs User Authentication to connect to File Sharing Server and it is highly recommended because of its reliability The instructions below should be carried out to share files on the machine. Current user should be added to Samba by command [sudo smbpasswd- a username] The login username should replace username. Samba config file is opened by command [sudo nano/etc/samba/smb.conf] The directories is to be added at the far end by using the format Path=/home/username/ (The username is to be replaced with your own username and with the folder to be shared) CTRL+ X is pressed and later Y to save Samba is restarted by the command[sudo/etc/init.d/samba restart] The format[\192.168.x.x] is used to access the folder in Windows Explorer. In this instance, \192.168.x.x is used as a sample IP address and the actual IP address of the server in which folder exists should be replaced. The format[smb://192.168.x.x] should be typed in Konqueror or Nautilus of Linux. In this instance also, 192.168.x.x should be replace with the actual IP address of the server in which the folder exists. In case of bug when sharing in KDEs System Settings panel, erase out any situations concerning with these two lines (â€Å"case sensitive† and â€Å"msdfs proxy†) in /etc/smb.conf. Workgroup changing in Windows network workgroup Change your Windows network Samba workgroup by the command [sudo nano/etc/samba/smb.conf] and search out for this line â€Å"workgroup= WORKGROUP† change the setting according to your LAN workgroups name. Print sharing configuration in Ubuntu server 9.10 edition Printers Many printers can be recognized by the new CUPS interface. The Linux Foundation OpenPrinting database provides instructions to install particular types of unrecognized printers. Printer configuration System>Administration>Printing>New Printer>New Printer Usually the printer connected and switched on will be detected automatically. My network printer was configured with IP address at and it was correctly installed at socker:// Through Samba printers on a Windows system and on other networks can be chosen plus directly connected printers. 1.4) Enumerate the various costs associated with the performance, security, support and maintenance of the Ubuntu within the bank. Cost associated with security of the Ubuntu within the bank A Linux-based operating system, Unix-like and open source make the Ubuntu more secure than any other OS. Translation into higher quality code makes it less prone to spyware and viruses than other OS. Rather strict and hyperactive security policy prevents the effects as a result of open ports or misconfigured software. It is truly multiuser operating system with it allowance in users to accomplish their tasks without giving any harm to the system. In Ubuntu, the user never logged in with an administrator account instead log in as a simple user and can change settings concern only with the user but for modifying settings that can somehow affect the system, the user required to type in administrator password. Cost associated with maintenance of the Ubuntu within the bank LTSP thin client technology makes Ubuntu deployment and management simpler and easier. With only a single server, over 50 workstations can be setup, manage and administrate. Ubuntu can therefore reduce the amount of time spend in administrating computers. Ubuntu is and will always be free to obtain, use and upgrade. No license fees or upgrades expenses are cost even if 100 or more machines are to be installed or can install on computers only having specific programs. Ubuntu also assist in saving hardware costs by allowing redeploying older machines as thin clients using LTSP technology. Cost associated with support of Ubuntu within the bank Ubuntu support can be getting from Ubuntu communities. Authors of the Ubuntu can get in touch directly through mailing lists and IRC channels including Ubuntu developers. Wide varieties are support are available, on mailing lists, wiki websites, IRC channels and bug trackers. Canonical who finances Ubuntu development can give help in any paid work. The community at the back of Ubuntu attracts people to the use of operating system. Linux community people are largely ex-Windows users and they have exact feelings the newness of an operating system and they are willing to help. In the Linux environment the best community support is offered by Ubuntu. Cost associated with performance of Ubuntu within the bank Program calls Synaptic offers access to most applications available to Ubuntu and by clicking the program wanted and it will install without needing to accept agreements several times pre-installation. Just select the program and click OK and it is finished. Ubuntu will download the installation files, install them and start the application on its own. That makes Ubuntu easier to install new programs. Ubuntu is fast and does not take up a lot of resources. Performance will not even slow down in prolonged use. Everything will be opened in a short time after clicking the icon and closes immediately when click the icon X. Ubuntu gets update every six months. Everything about Ubuntu is free. Even they will dig their pockets to pay postal charges if you ask them a free copy of the operating system. The software installed is free including all the software that can be downloaded, any help and support is free. Research and produce a comprehensive project plan for the implementation of a VPN within the company. This should include the following: Performance of VPN within the bank VPN has other indirect cost savings advantages over other communications methods such as lesser requirements in training and staff, flexibility and scalability has been greatly increased. The largest benefit to utilising VPNs is money savings. The amount spent will be significantly reduced when compared to dedicated leased line options. Remote users can connect locally to an ISP and tunneling that connection to a VPN device on the destined network. Therefore, reduced technical help is required to install, configure, and manage networking equipment. With the use of a single WAN interface, it can carry out multiple functions so the expenses on WAN equipment installation and maintenance is no longer needed. Organisations can extend their network and capacitate their performance by setting up more accounts to control the increased demand. This will facilitate the answers to market demands or organizational challenges and is also time-saving. Therefore enterprises and corporate organisations can be linked from different locations into the network without the need of complex infrastructure, delays and tremendous expenses in joint with connection across borders. The wide area networking costs are cut down via telecommunication costs. Support of Ubuntu within the bank Technical help resources are sharply reduced with the emergence of VPNs. This is as a result of dependability on one type of Internet protocol (IP) from mobile users to an ISPs POP and security needs are standardised. If taking the help of the service providers to set up VPNs, they will take most of the support tasks for the network. Security of Ubuntu within the bank Fewer networking experts are required to control security features of the VPN as the ISP manages the WAN equipment. Hidden costs associated with distribution of VPN client software. Some adopters are finding that simple tasks not unique to VPNs, such as distributing and installing client software to remote users, pose a bigger challenge than ever imagined. Managing security and authentication systems require realising that complex skill sets not available in-house. Cost-VPN often requires a substantial up-front effort for configuration and software deployment. 2.1) A brief overview of current VPN technologies (both hardware and software). Components needed with VPNs With the effect of high security performance, VPNs are originally complicated. Typical components needed for an effective VPN include: Gateway devices Routers Dedicated servers Firewalls Client software Public-Key infrastructures (PKI) and associated key-management strategies Hardware-based encryption accelerators X.509 digital certificates Certificate Authority (ies) Directory services Servers with these features: Load balancing Failover Redundancy Network-transport communication mechanisms Typically, VPN components connected to the Internet include these: -Certificate Authority (CA) system -Managed ISP to support remote employees Corporate VPN gateway with these indispensables: -LDAP server -Registration Authority (RA) system Firewalls help in accomplishing three goals: Restrict accessing to certain segment of a network Block services requests that are thought to be insecure or unnecessary Interpret network addresses to conceal real device addresses from other segment of a network and is called Network Address Translation, or NAT VPN evaluation Certificate Authority (CA) support: If youll be handling more than a handful of users who possess digital certificates for authentication, youll need robust support for an external provider of CA services. Logging: If youre requiring information logs from the VPN, can they integrate into your existing logging mechanisms and reporting systems? Selective encryption: If youre thinking about adding a VPN to an existing firewall, you may want to encrypt only certain traffic- or risk bringing your firewall to its knees with an overload of overkill. VPN-management modules: Can you integrate your VPN into your existing enterprise networks monitoring system? If you cant, then how will you monitor its uptime? In your evaluation of VPN gateway products, look for these features: X.509 digital-certificate support LDAP support IPSec-compliant Encryption types supported Performance (Mbps) Maximum number of interfaces Maximum number of connections Quality of Service support Clustering (SMP) support Custom-application support Support for High-Availability (HA) features EAL/ITSEC/TCSEC Level In evaluation of VPN client products, look for these essentials: Thin-client support Fat-client support Network-mapping support Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) support NT Domain logon support 2.2) Design a suitable VPN using appropriate Internet Service Provider (ISP) for the requirements of the bank. 2.3) Identify and list the hardware and software required to implement the banks VPN. The infrastructure of existing network should be supported by a server. A server should serve as a domain controller, DNS server, Certificate authority and DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server. The next step is to set up a certificate authority. A VPN server should be kept separate for the sole purposes of security threats. A firewall should be placed at the outlet of VPN server to only permit flow of VPN traffic into this server. Two NICs cards are needed to connect to the internet and the private corporate network. Identification of the remote users identity when trying to access the private corporate network is also necessary. The Server operating system comes with RADIUS- Remote Authentication Dial In User Service and IAS- Internet Authentication Service to do authentication process. VPN hardware products also do the authentication process. The Web Server (HTTP server) responds to HTTP requests for HTML pages that it delivers to customer browsers over the Internet. Its the only server that sits in front of the firewall and allows direct controlled access to the public internet. Its on this server you may want to store static Web page content and graphic images. All information processing that the Web server needs from applications or Database servers can only be accessed through the Firewall. Application Servers store, manage, and operate those software components relevant to the business, including Merchant server software, back-office accounting systems, customer information systems, order entry and fulfillment systems. You many opt for multiple application servers as your needs dictate. Any links to other legacy systems (such as mainframe-based systems0 may be made through the application servers as well. Database Servers store your product, purchase, and customer data in addition to all other distributed processing data already in place. They may use Object-Oriented Database Management products, traditional relational database products, or hybrids of the two. Choices of Database Server software include these: Oracle MS SQL Server Sybase DB/2 Informix Firewalls control the access to the internal (back-office) corporate networks. They serve as the mechanism under which the Web server accesses applications and data that is found behind them. These Firewalls will typically run monitoring software to detect and thwart external attacks on the site, and are needed to protect internal corporate networks. Common Firewall services are implemented as routers that sit in between two domains (subnets), and are selective about IP addresses from which it receives packets before it permits their routing to the other domain (subnet). These select IP addresses are considered as trusted hosts. Mainframe systems, If youve got them, can a

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

1. Why is it important to be able to test theories according to Popper (Falsification thesis)? Please explain your answers. According to Popper, it is important because every real test of a theory should be an attempt to falsify it, or prove it to be incorrect, because if it is not proven wrong, it becomes not scientific. A good theory is one that can indeed be disproven, or â€Å"testability is falsifiability.† 2. What is positivism and why is it important in advancing knowledge according to Comte? Positivism is the studying and recording of social life based on observations. Positivism is important in advancing knowledge due to the idea that this newly observed and obtained information can be used to reform society. 3. According to Comte what is the difference between social statistics and social dynamics? According to Comte, ‘social statistics’ focus on how order is maintained within a society, while ‘social dynamics’ focus on how a society changes over time. 4. What are the laws of three stages and how does he explain civilizational development? First Stage: ‘Theological’ or ‘fictitious’ stage. Second Stage: ‘Metaphysical’ stage. Third Stage: ‘Scientific’ or ‘positive’ stage. Comte explains that these stages evolve and develop from one another beginning from the belief from gods, to many gods and priests, then to the rejection of deities in favor of scientific thinking and rationality. These stages are needed for humanity to properly evolve. 5. In the documentary on Voodoo in Benin, what civilizational stage would August Comte define the society of Benin; in its citizen’s approach and understanding of the impact of Voodoo on everyday life? Why? In the documentary, the society of Benin would fall into the ‘theological’ stage. ... ...ion to quality of life in the modern world? Please explain. People can forget their personal lives and solely exist to work and make money rather than enjoying a life beyond that of the bureaucracy. A bureaucracy will focus only on a set of goals that must be met in order to maintain a value driven society. This rationalization can create an almost robotic-like society that truly forgets about the simple pleasures in life, which are also important in maintaining a cohesive and happy community. 20. What was the main argument in Weber's Protestant Ethic? The main argument is that the foundation of capitalism came about from the principles of Calvinism. The Calvinists believed in predetermination and that God would provide substantial money if you were deemed to have it in this life. They also were hard working, saved their money, and even reinvested their capital.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Interview With Middle School Principal Essay -- Interview Essays

An effective school leader possesses skills to create, implement, evaluate, improve and share a staff development plan. I met with Ben Rhodes, Sandy Creek Middle School’s principal, to interview him on the specific elements of his yearly staff development plan. We began with the design process focusing on the district and school goals. District goals include improving literacy across the content areas in reading and writing, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum (GVC). Guaranteed and Viable Technology (GVT), and Closing the Achievement Gap (Equity in Excellence). Using a variety of assessments to focus on specific needs, Ben Rhodes and Mary Sonya, our Pupil Achievement Specialist, examined CSAP, Explore, MAP, and RAD data. They use the Colorado Growth Model to help guide them to determine if students have made adequate yearly progress. Together, they created the plan that included the district goals mentioned above as well as continuing to include new technology skills, informatio n on special education changes with Response to Intervention (RTI), maintaining current staff implementation of literacy goals and a new goal of raising achievement in math. In deciding how to meet the skill needs of the teaching staff, Ben begins with the hiring process. Knowing what our School Improvement Plan goals are, his interview questions include specific skills and knowledge that will help Falcon Creek students meet these achievement goals. Mr. Rhodes is very clear about his high expectations of the teaching staff. He is currently in Denver University’s P.H. D. program in Educational Leadership and he utilizes his knowledge of best practice research. His assessments of staff learning needs are gleaned from a variety of sources that include feedbac... ...district trains staff with new technology tools that will include net books, mounted projectors, peripheral technologies, new student achievement reporting system (aka RAD and DAS systems running on Brio software, new access points, that centralizes the management console, so students and staff will be able to connect to the CCSD wireless network at all school sites. Training will also be provided to refine the RTI process. Using district and school goals, assessing needs using the right data, planning specific content and processes to teach best instructional practices, providing resources to ensure success, measuring success and providing frequent feedback, adjusting practices as needed to ensure successful implementation, evaluating and improving strategies and then sharing the plan with the community has been key to ensuring the highest student achievement.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nurse Leader Essay

Nursing leaders are crucial to any nursing organization. They motivate, empower, influence, and communicate the organization’s vision to create change within the organization. Respectable nursing depends on noble nursing leaders. This paper will highlight Florence Nightingale nursing leadership and describe her leadership characteristics. It will further depict the democratic style Florence Nightingale utilized throughout her career. Florence Nightingale was not only a nurse, she was a researcher, educator, and theorist. Her contributions to nursing and society are numerous. Florence Nightingale has been referred to as the â€Å"mother of modern nursing† (Johnson & Webber, 2005). Through her work and example, nursing became a respectable profession for women. She collected data through observation and research and applied that knowledge to social reform on the issues of public and military health and sanitation at home and abroad, rural hygiene, hospital planning, organization, and administration, rights of women and the poor, the definition of nursing, and the need for trained nurses and midwives to care for people in workhouses, hospitals, schools, penitentiaries, the military, and at home (Wellman, 1999). Due to the nature of her work and her commitment to improved patient outcomes by developing best practices based on observation and research, she should be considered the first public health nurse and champion of Evidence Based Practice. She is responsible for initiating the professional education of woman in nursing outside of the sisterhood and promoting their employment in hospitals and workhouses throughout England and abroad Florence Nightingale was a theorist. She developed her Environmental Model in 1859 and titled it Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not based on her observations and experiences while treating the soldiers during the war (Johnson & Webber, 2005). Nightingale wrote: In watching disease, both in private houses and in public hospitals, the thing which strikes the experienced observer most forcibly is this, that the symptoms or the sufferings generally considered to be inevitable and incident to the disease are very often not symptoms of the disease at all, but of something quite different- of the want of fresh air, or of light, or of warmth, or of quiet, or of cleanliness, or of punctuality and care in the administration of diet, of each or of all of these (Nightingale, 1860, p. 2). Florence wrote these notes on practice, not intending them to be a manual on nursing, but ideas or women who take care of others because she felt that at some point, nearly every woman nursed somebody in her charge and it was up to them to manipulate the environment to help nature take its course (Nightingale, 1860). Her model includes 13 constructs with recommendations on implementing them. They are: ventilation and warming, health of houses, petty management, noise, variety, taking food, what food, bed and bedding, light, cleanliness of rooms and walls, personal cleanliness, chattering hopes and advises, and observation of the sick (Nightingale, 1860). Although Nightingale did not intend for her writings to become a teaching manual for nurses, her ideas were clearly applicable to teaching nurses how to care for the patient environment and was eventually used in her school to do just that (Johnson & Weber, 2005). Some of her hints on nursing are still applicable to practice today. They represent a holistic view of nursing by addressing the physical, mental, and social aspects of the patient environment. For instance, cleanliness of air, water, home, linen, and person are still important and helpful in preventing disease and promoting health. Also, adequate nutrition and sunlight are necessary for proper bodily function. Excessive noise and lack of variety can be harmful to mental health and must be remedied. Lastly, as nurses we still observe the sick, keep track of their vital signs, likes and dislikes, and monitor changes in their condition. All of this we record in the patient’s chart much like Nightingale did when she recorded her observations 150 years ago. Although Nightingale’s Environmental Model does not meet the guidelines of modern theory and has not spawned the same quantity of research as contemporary models, it can be said that her ideas have influenced nursing theorists and their respective models. Like all nurse theorists, Nightingale used her personal, spiritual, and educational experiences to guide her ideas (Johnson & Weber, 2005). The Living Tree of Nursing Theories was developed by nurses to illustrate the influence of Florence Nightingale on later nurse theorists. It proposes that person, environment, health, and nursing are the roots of the tree and Nightingale is the trunk supporting the branches, which are the modern theorists (Tourville & Ingalls, 2003). In essence, without Florence Nightingale’s work and ideas, nursing theory would not be the same as it is today. She created the fundamentals on which nursing theory is built. In fact, when comparing modern theories to the Nightingale Model many similarities can be appreciated. Henderson was concerned that the early nurse practice acts did not clearly cover what nursing is and therefore promoted an unsafe environment for the public. She helped define what nursing is and what it was not. Her definition reads: The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health, or its recovery (or to a peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will, or knowledge. And to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible (Johnson & Webber, 2005, p. 133). A direct connection can be made to Nightingale’s model if one considers the changes in societal expectations and the growth of the nursing role from doer to helper in the 100 years between when the two theories were written. Henderson promotes helping the patient achieve independence through nursing assistance that Nightingale did not. Her 14 components of nursing are similar to Nightingale’s 13. They include: breathe normally, eat and drink adequately, eliminate body wastes, move and maintain desirable postures, sleep and rest, select suitable clothing, maintain normal body temperature, keep the body clean and well groomed to protect the integument, avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others, communicate with others, worship according to one’s faith, work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment, play or participate in various forms of recreation, and learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health using available health facilities (Johnson & Webber, 2005). Faye Abdellah’s theory titled, Patient-Centered Approaches, is just that, patient centered. Her 21 nursing problems are also similar to Nightingales 13 ideas and when advances in science and understanding of how the human body functions are taken into consideration a direct correlation can be established. Lastly, Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model relies on the construct that the role of the nurse is to manipulate the environment to free patients so that they can adapt to other stimuli. Although this is a deviation from Nightingale’s theory, both nurses believed in the reparative process of providing the optimal environment for healing (Johnson & Webber, 2005). In conclusion, Florence Nightingale was instrumental in influencing nursing and society by opening the door for women to practice as nurses, promoting nurse education, guiding evidence based practice through her research and observations, by being a human rights advocate, and by working tirelessly to improve the health and quality of life for people throughout many nations. Florence Nightingale devoted her life in the pursuit of helping others.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How Stalin Became a Leader of Russia

How and why did Stalin win to be the leader of Russia? Stalin's manipulative personality Joseph Stalin was known to have a manipulative personality. He was persuasive, educated, determined however also arrogant (due to his role as General Sectary). Also Lenin is rude as Lenin said in his testament â€Å"Stalin is too rude†. After Lenin died during the struggle for power Stalin was reasonably quiet at the beginning. This makes him sly and sneaky because we get the impression he is up to no good. Stalin also lied about the date of Lenin's funeral to Trotsky.This meant that Trotsky didn't ttend the funeral which made Trotsky look really bad and disrespectful. Lying about the funeral date makes Stalin look cunning and his personality doesn't seem like a nice person. However these factors aided him to become future leader of Russia. Stalin's choices of policies (NEP and socialism in one country) During the beginning of the struggle for power after Lenin died Stalin formed an allian ce with Zinoviev and Kamenev in 1923, this was purely to keep Trotsky out of power.However in early 1925 Zinoviev and Kamenev split from Stalin, he Joined with Bukharin instead because Stalin said he was in favour of NEP. Zinoviev and Kamenev were removed from the party because they were against NEP. However in 1928 Stalin ended his alliance with Bukharin and rejected NEP; he had more communist ideas which appealed to young communist followers which helped him win the vote in 1929 which meant he won and became the leader of Russia.During the beginning of the struggle for power he was neither left not right wing (of communist ideas, all members of communism were left wing) – Stalin stayed in the middle. By doing this he didn't seem like a threat to anyone as he slowly crept up to have power. Stalin's use of General Sectary Stalin being General Sectary he was able to promote his followers but also demote and even fire people who opposed him. In my opinion without his General Se ctary post many of his rivals who were in the power struggle wouldVe defeated Stalin early on.He allied himself with whoever seemed strongest at that point and because he was General Sectary he had authority to spy on people using secret police and another murder not Just the person who had opposed him, but also their whole family. Lenin almost predicted that Stalin's role of General Sectary is a bad thing because he has too much power â€Å"Stalin has unlimited authority concentrated in his ands† Also as he was General Sectary this made him popular with the communist followers because he had a big role in the communist party.Stalin's use of Lenin's legacy Betore Lenin died ne nad written a testament about Stalin, Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev and Kamenev. In the testament Lenin hadn't said any good things about Stalin. Lenin said negative things such as â€Å"l am not sure whether Stalin will always be capable of using that authority with sufficient caution† and as seen in future events Stalin didn't use his role of General Sectary properly, he used it to promote his followers and fire his opponents. He also used it as an excuse to murder which isn't acceptable. l suggest the comrades think about a way of removing Stalin from that post and appointing another man in his stead being more tolerant, more loyal, more polite, and more considerate to the comrades† Lenin suggested that Stalin should be removed from his General Sectary post, if he was he may have not become leader of Russia at all? However Stalin kept his post as General Sectary. All of the members of the communist party decided to keep Lenin's testament a secret because Lenin had said bad things about all of them so it would be a better idea not to tell the public.At Lenin's funeral Stalin spoke about Lenin which is strange, because Lenin and Stalin never got along. Stalin had an argument with Lenin's wife before Lenin had died. Because Stalin had spoken at Lenin's funeral this make s people respect Stalin more, and he gained more popularity. Stalin's opponent's weaknesses TROTSKY In Lenin's testament Lenin described Trotsky with outstanding ability, very able and intelligent. However he was very arrogant and there was an element of mistrust. Trotsky decided to stay on his own during 1923-24 which also made him weaker.He ecame an enemy of Stalin and Stalin lied to him about the date of Lenin's funeral which then meant Trotsky was unable to turn up which made him very unpopular. He was also very ill which meant that he missed important meetings. BUKHARIN Lenin described Bukharin as very popular and likeable. However he wasn't fully communist and his commitment must be questioned. During 1923-24 Bukharin was in the right wing (of communist ideas) but he didn't play a big role in the struggle for power. However he teamed up with Stalin during 1925. Bukharin became an enemy of Stalin in 1928 and delayed Bukharin's plane so he missed an important meeting.However he was still considered the favourite of the party until he arranged a secret meeting with Zinoviev and Kamenev, Stalin found out and told everyone so Bukharin became unpopular because people couldn't trust him which weakened him greatly. ZINOVIEV AND KAMENEV Zinoviev and Kamenev were described as too cautious because they didn't play a big role in the October revolution. This means that their commitment must be questioned. They allied with Stalin very early on in 1923 however they ended their alliance with Stalin at the end of 1924 because they no longer wanted NEP and ntended to become more industrialised.However they became unpopular because they challenged Bukharin's authority in 1927 (this is when Stalin and Bukharin were together). A vote proved this which made them weaker. They were never re-elected after that vote and feared Stalin and Bukharin more than Trotsky. However they made an alliance with Trotsky and were in favour of left wing communism (world revolution). Because of this the three of them were expelled from the party. This weakened them the most, they were re-admitted after they publicly apologised but Stalin only used Zinoviev and Kamenev for their tactics.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Political party Essay

I. What is a political party? II. Functions of Political Parties in the U. S. III. The Three Faces of a Party IV. Why do we have Two Party system? V. Major and Minor Party Ideologies VI. The role of Minor Parties in the U. S Political Party VII. Differences between Interest Groups and Political Parties I. What is a Political Party? ?Political Party-A group of political activists who organize to win elections, operate the government, and determine public policy. ?Functions of Political Parties in the United States ?Recruiting candidates for public office ?Organizing and running elections†¦ (political parties do not write state laws) ?Presenting alternative policies to the electoral ?Accepting responsibility for operating the government- cannot simply just quit their job ?Acting as the organized opposition to the party in power- acting as the â€Å"watch dog† to the opposite in power II. The Three Faces of a Party ?Party-in-the-Electorate- Those members of the general public who identify with a political party or who express a preference for one party over another. Does not necessarily mean they have to show who they are for, but in their â€Å"heart† they have a preference. ?Party Organization- The formal structure and leadership of a political party, including election committees; local, state, and national executives; and paid professional staff ?Party-in-Government- all of the elected and appointed officials who identify with a political party. Example) President, Vice President, Congress; Federal Judges are not part of a party, goes for State Judges as well. III. Why do we have a Two-Party System? ?Historical foundations (Federalists v. Antifederalists) ?Self-Perpetuation of the two-party system? Political culture of the United States ?The winner-take-all electoral system ?Plurality- the most ?Majority-more than 50%+1% ?Proportional Represenation- example) depending of the percentage of the votes, is the percentage of what they will take in the Parliament. IV. Political Ideologies ?Republicans- Economical and Social Conservative ?Conservatism †¢Conservatives generally support the Republican Party †¢Oppose massive government intervention in politics, economics, and looks instead to market mechanisms, states localities and voluntarism to resolve the country’s problems. †¢Endorse liberty as the primary political value †¢Support traditional moral, religious, and family values and ask government to enforce the ?Democrats- Economical and social Liberal ?Liberals †¢Generally support the Democratic Party †¢Support government intervention in politics and economics to protect and expand civil rights and civil liberties and improve the conditions of the poor, minorities and women, †¢Endorse â€Å"equality† as their primary and political value †¢Favor politics of inclusion that seeks representation and participation for all V. The Role of Minor(Third) Parties (Look at Table 8. 2) ?Act as barometers of changing political mood ?Act as safety valve for dissident groups (Greens splitting from the Democrats) ?Affecting the outcome of an ?Libertarians- Economical Conservative and Social Liberals ?Want to shrink the size of the government to the bare necessities because big government is wrong and non-effective (They agree with Conservatives on that) ?On individual liberties and social issues they agree with liberals. ?Greens-Nader ?Left to Center ?Pro Environmental ?Anti Corporations ?Anti Globalization.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

History of Special Education Law Essay

History of Special Education Law History of Special Education Law From the beginning of time until the end of time, there will always be students who require special education services. Throughout the 20th century, there have been many laws written to try and protect and help students with disabilities. Two in particular are the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 1990). Special education classes were available in the 1950’s, but the outcome for the students was not what parents expected. The students in these classes could not preform  academically, and were considered unteachable. They eventually were sent to special schools that focused on teaching them manual skills. The programs may have been available, but clearly it was discrimination towards those students with disabilities. This is why the laws written for the handicapped are so important, especially in the school system. The chart above compares two articles covering individuals with disabilities; one is an overview of disabilities, covering the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, also known as Public Law 94-142, and the other is  an overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997. In the article on an overview of disabilities, it says the handicapped children must meet two criteria; they must have one or more disability and require special education and related services (ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children, R. A. , 1987). In this article, it also gives specific definitions of the disabilities that children have to have to be considered for assistance under Public Law 94-142. The acceptable disabilities listed range from deaf to blind to  mental retardation, orthopedically impaired, and those that are speech impaired or have a learning disability, among many other disabilities. When a child is thought to have a handicap, there is a multidisciplinary team that will evaluate the child. The team consists of at least one teacher or specialist that has knowledge of the student with the disability. When the team meets, ? ORGANIZED INTO FOUR PARTS ?STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN STATE AND DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS ?INCLUDES DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES ?REQUIRES PARENTAL CONSENT FOR EVALUATIONS  ?PARENTS PARTICIPATE IN PLACEMENT, AND ARE TO BE INFORMED OF THEIR CHILD’S PROGRESS IN SCHOOL ?STUDENT MUST HAVE A DISABILITY AND REQUIRE SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES UNDER THE EAHC ACT ? MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM DETERMINES IF STUDENT REQUIRES SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES BECAUSE NOT ALL CHILDREN THAT HAVE DISABILITIES REQUIRE SPECIAL EDUCATION ?DEFINES THE DISABILITIES ACCEPTED ?MUST PROVIDE FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION REGARDLESS OF TYPE OF DISABILITY ?STUDENTS HAVE ACCESS TO GENERAL EDUCATION CLASSES WITH ACCOMMODAT IONS DISABILITIES: AN OVERVIEW AN OVERVIEW OF THE IDEA OF 1997 3 . History of Special Education Law  they will determine if the child will require special education services or not. All schools and agencies that provide services for children with disabilities must comply with P. L. 94-142 in order to receive federal assistance. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 is based on complaints and needs to be enforced by parents or other advocates of disabled children; Noncompliance of P. L. 94-142 will result in funds being stopped for the agency or school involved (Ballard & Zettel, 1978). This seems to be a good incentive for agencies to make sure they are compliant with all the laws governing children with disabilities. There were some differences from the above article on disabilities with the article An Overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997. IDEA is organized into four parts to cover all of the provisions for students with disabilities. Also, under IDEA, students have to participate in state assessments, even if it is an alternate assessment from those in regular education. â€Å"IDEA 97 requires states to include students with disabilities in state and district-wide testing programs, with accommodations when necessary,† (Knoblauch & ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, R.A. , 1998. p. 3). Under IDEA, all students will have an individualized education plan (IEP) that has to be followed to ensure children with disabilities are getting the most out of their education, and needs to include a statement of transition starting at age 14. Another difference is that IDEA 97 includes disciplinary procedures for students with disabilities. It says that students will not be denied an education because of their behavior. It outlines the different strategies for dealing with behavior issues, for example schools are allowed to place a student in an alternate setting if their  behavior is such that they cannot remain in their current setting without disruption. Under IDEA, students have an IEP team that meets to write the IEP for the students, and in a case of behavior issues, the IEP team determines the action that needs to be taken with the student. Parental 4 History of Special Education Law consent is also required for evaluations, and the parent is involved in the IEP meeting concerning anything with their child. Under IDEA, parents are to be keep inform of any school placement, and also the progress of their children. For noncompliance to the IDEA 97 Act, the government  can withhold funding until they are in compliance with all aspects outlined in the IDEA act (Heumann & Hehir, 1997). While there are several differences between both of these articles, there are some similarities also. Under both acts listed, all students regardless of disabilities must be provided with a free public education, and they also must have access to general education classrooms as well, and accommodations have to be met. While it seems that these two articles cover two different laws that were passed, the reality is that they are one in the same. The Education for All  Handicapped Children Act was revised and renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). While the Public Law 94-142 provided that all children with disabilities will receive a free public education, IDEA allows has provisions for transitioning students into high school. As mentioned before, both of these acts provide federal funding for programs for students with disabilities as long as the agencies that are receiving the funds are in compliance with the guidelines. â€Å"â€Å"In order to receive federal funds, states must develop and implement policies that  assure a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all children with disabilities. The state plans MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE FEDERAL STATUTE,† (PROTIGAL, 1999, P. 1). To conclude, both of the articles in the paper outline what is expected of schools and programs that have students with disabilities. Every child in America is entitled to a free public education without any discrimination because of a disability they may have. Each child has the ability to learn, even if it is at a different rate or pace from their peers. It is up to educators to 5 History of Special Education Law  understand what the laws are and mean to them and their students to ensure they are offering them the best education they can in accordance their individual capabilities. 6 History of Special Education Law References Ballard, J. , & Zettel, J. J. (1978). The Managerial Aspects of Public Law 94-142. Exceptional Children, 44(6), 457-462. Retrieved from http://eds. a. ebscohost. com. library. gcu. edu:2048/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? sid=41ba31e7-5ca7-4b9f-af8b-6397f85b5446%40sessionmgr4003&vid=7&hid=4108 ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children, R. A. (1987). Disabilities: An Overview. ERIC Digest #420. Revised. Retrieved from http://eds. a. ebscohost. com. library. gcu. edu:2048/ehost/detail? sid=649ed845-5bb9-4722- baf1- bf2e12c42623%40sessionmgr4005&vid=1&hid=4103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl 2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=eric&AN=ED291203 Heumann, J. , & Hehir, T. (1997, September). â€Å"believing in children –. Retrieved from http://www2. ed. gov/offices/OSERS/Policy/IDEA/article2. html Knoblauch, B. , & ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, R. A. (1998). An Overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 (P. L. 105-17). ERIC DIGEST. RETRIEVED FROM http://eds. a. ebscohost. com. library. gcu. edu:2048/ehost/detail? sid=d91c90f3-6f83-4434- b3b2- bb80ae7660a0%40sessionmgr4002&vid=1&hid=4103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl 2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=eric&AN=ED430325 Protigal, S. (1999). Public law 94-142 – education of all handicapped children act. Retrieved from http://www. scn. org/~bk269/94-142. html 7 History of Special Education Law 8 View as multi-pages TOPICS IN THIS DOCUMENT Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Special education, Individualized Education Program, Gifted education, Education, Disability, Educational psychology, Education policy RELATED DOCUMENTS special education †¦ can cause hip dislocation and deformed bone growth. No treatment may be currently available to lessen David’s impairment. Disability: David’s inability to walk is a disability. His level of disability can be improved with physical therapy and special equipment. For example, if he learns to use a walker, with braces, his level of disability will improve considerably. Handicap: David’s cerebral palsy is handicapping to the extent that it prevents him from fulfilling a†¦ 1225 Words | 30 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT history of special education †¦ 25 The Legislative and Litigation History of Special Education Edwin W. 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